Building the cottage-core wardrobe of your dreams

Somewhere between the feminine energy TikToks that catapult themselves onto my ‘For You’ page and the day-in-the-life videos of New Yorkers that I adore, sat flickering videos of the cottage core aesthetic. Never truly aware of it until recently, the aesthetic seemed to be a combination of regency-core and hyper-feminine girls attempting to relive their Marie Antoinette Petit Triad dreams. Slowly, I became aware that writing away the potential of this aesthetic would be like choosing to ignore the importance of Kawaii in our culture today.

Cottage-core lifestyle is focused on taking things slowly and enjoying one’s time in nature. While nothing is better than spring days of outdoor eating or watching your garden grow, this idealized version of (highly Eurocentric) rural life has come under scrutiny by historians. But the thing is, is that it isn’t meant to be accurate to the time period that inspired it. Like the show Bridgerton, or even The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, the costuming isn’t a perfect time capsule, but that’s what fans adore. Thus, with my rose-tinted glasses in place, I set out to inspect just what made the cottage-core fashion as popular as it is and how I could create a wardrobe inspired by this style if I wanted to.

With a clean color palette, delicate details, and plenty of 18th-century romanticism, this internet trend sent me a world away from the aesthetics I normally lean towards. The easiest way to explain how to easily create a cottage-core outfit would be to simply close your eyes and envision what a Jane Austen heroine would wear in the modern landscape. Many brands have seemingly tried to do this, jumping on the bandwagon with cottage-core-themed collections and partnerships with influencers. This might make it thousand times easier to create that romantic space in your home, but what about when it comes to shopping? Where should you go? And what exactly should you buy? Of course, style TikToks and Pinterest boards might be helpful, but there are still some questions that might be floating around your head on what exactly you need to purchase in order to live your cottage-core dreams. Hopefully, the rest of this article will lay them to rest!

While vintage finds and hand-me-downs might be one way to build your cottage core wardrobe, another would be the definite need to do one of my favorite methods of therapy; shop!

Where to buy Cottage-Core clothes:

Cider’s dreamy collection

I think I got lost scrolling through this collection and putting together outfits for wandering through the countryside.

If you’re reading this article and follow any cottage core influencer, you have to have seen their Nap dresses at this point!

This brand screams ‘urban fairy-princess.’

Perhaps not exclusive to cottage core apparel, For Love and Lemons certainly can add a bit of dreaminess to any wardrobe.

A bit more on the expensive side, there is something delicious about the floral dresses of this brand.

It’s a sustainable girls' dream!

Etsy shops, because supporting small businesses is important:

There is something to the argument that the style choices of this aesthetic aren’t very easygoing, but isn’t that what makes them pretty? From floating fabrics to lacy details, the clothes were fit for a woodlands princess.

Wardrobe Collage created by me

Here following at the Cottage-Core Wardrobe essentials that I’d choose to pick, along with a tailored color palette:

  • Flowy dresses

  • Maxi skirts

  • Floral prints

  • Lace details

  • Gingham

  • Princess sleeves

  • Peter-pan collars

  • Clogs (Fall and Winter)

  • Strappy Sandals (Spring and Summer)

  • Straw hats

  • Hair ribbons

Color Palette:

  • Neutral tones

  • Pastels

  • A few jewel-tone additions here and there

But as you sit reading this wherever you are, the quickest way to become part of this lifestyle is to just slow down and breathe. In today’s fast-paced world, all the flowy dresses and elegant corset tops won’t help you to live a cottage-core life if you can’t find even a few minutes to yourself. So use this as an excuse to put on your favorite dress, pour a cup of tea, and romanticize your life just a bit!


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